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News, tips and other snacks

Here we share updates from the company and other news from us

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Future of Accounting - Finansavisen

The founders meet their client wearing red caps with the text 'Make Accounting Great Again.' As the brothers Sebastian and Daniel Jara sat on their father's lap while he worked on accounting entries. Their father was an accountant, and one of the first words the boys learned was 'reconciliation.' They had no idea what it was, except that it took a very long time and was incredibly boring.

Accountflow joins NCE

Accountflow joins NCE Finance Innovation with ambitious goals and a clear strategy. We met up with the Accountflow team in Startuplab Oslo and had a chat with the dedicated bunch of entrepreneurs, Daniel Jara (CEO) and Eric Macody Lund (CMO).

Simplify reconciliation? Here's the solution that simply works

Aider has been one of our most important partners since the start. As one of the most forward-thinking accounting firms in Norway, with highly skilled professionals, their feedback has been crucial for us in the further development of the system. The collaboration has led to the implementation of useful improvements, making our solution as tailored as possible to the accountant's workflowregnskapskontorene i Norge, med svært kompetente fagfolk, har deres tilbakemeldinger vært svært viktige for oss i videreutviklingen av systemet. Samarbeidet har ført til implementeringen av nyttige forbedringer, slik at vår løsning er mest mulig tilpasset regnskapsførerens arbeidsmetodikk.

Things you didn't know about accounting

Daniel og Silvija diskuterer fremtidens regnskap. Denne torsdagen tar vi et tilbakeblikk til Startuplab 2019 da Accountflow fortsatt var et rykende fersk selskap Daniel gjestet podcasten til Silvija Seres fra Lørn Tech og diskuterte fremtidens regnskap, vår visjon og Accountflow sin plass i spacet.

The history of Accountflow

Historien kan spores tilbake til da brødrene, og med-gründere, Sebastian og Daniel Jara var små. Faren deres var serieentreprenør og regnskapsfører, og som barn satt storebror Sebastian og lillebror Daniel på farens fang mens han førte bilag. Han jobbet lange kvelder med papirer, penner og permer flytende på pulten sin.

Accountflow raises 20 MNOK for smart accounting

Vi konsentrerer oss om å få fotfeste i regnskapsbransjen først. Når vi klarer det, er veien banet for resten av næringslivet, sier Daniel Jara, daglig leder i Accountow.

Get started with Accountflow